
Synmax is a dynamic command execution plugin that is infinitely expandable.

Project maintained by frriendRBLX Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


A Powerful, Light and Quick Modular Command Line for Studio.

Why Synmax?

How do i use it?

Its Easy! Simply open up synmax and type mods, hit SPACE, then hit RETURN. This will show a window with every modules name within.

In order to get started using a module, type its name and hit SPACE. Doing so will show contextual information detailing what this module does.




Contextual Info (displayed below):

> Module <load|unload|run|peek>

You can further dive into these arguments by hitting SPACE, then typing the desired argument.

Lets try doing module load. This will show us further arguments within load.



module load 

Contextual Info (displayed below):

-> Module Load <selected|bypath>

Methods are where the real power of synmax becomes evident. Lets try typing SPACE and typing selected

Our input should be module load selected, causing us to reach a method. This method will show contextual information about what it will do when ran.



module load bypath <path>

Contextual Info (displayed below):

-> Load Selected Module by Path (Path)

As we can see, when we type module load bypath then hit SPACE, we see a place for arguments. Each argument is seperated by spaces and will be automatically passed to the function upon pressing RETURN.

In this case, we will pass through Workspace.MyModule to give our fictional ModuleScript to the module. This module in particular doesn’t require you to type game first.



module load bypath Workspace.MyModule

Contextual Info (displayed below):

-> Load Selected Module by Path ()

Press RETURN and voila! You have successfully ran your first command in synamx.

How do i create a module?

You can grab a copy of the module template here. This will walk you through creating your own module for use with Synmax.

Happy Developing!


Twitter: @frriendroblox

My Discord Server: frriend’s Development Hub